Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lulu meets the Chickens

Well, it had to happen sometime. Since the front of the house is heavily occupied by a construction force at the moment, Lu and I went out the back door instead. This was a calculated decision on my part, but I am coming to recognize that many of my calculated decisions are bad. Halfway down the back steps I realized things were not going to go well. Lu was pretty well under control, but the chickens began getting noisy, and as we got closer to them they worked themselves up into a flying feathery frenzy. Insanity. Screaming chickens, flapping wings, slamming themselves into the roof of their run, rebounding off and hitting the side with equal intensity, feathers flying all over the place. This worked Lulu up into her own frenzy, surprise surprise, and of course, the gate latch was stuck preventing us from making a quick escape. After we finally got out, we went around the block and could hear the chickens squawking from way up the street. Not such secret chickens anymore. So, take-home lesson here: only take Lulu out the front door.


  1. Weird. Big Fat Pete doesn't even register with the chickens. She is pretty slow and groundhog-like.

  2. So, may be little comfort right now, but think about all of the chicken soup you will have when one of your neighbors rats you out....
