Saturday, January 16, 2016

This is a baby that tolerates prunes

Better liked when mixed into cereal

Saturday, January 9, 2016

True to form

 Juniper has discovered a stolen chunk of challah works wonders as a sort of salt lick to draw pete into close petting range.  In other news, the weirdo cat likes challah.

No no, you're right: it totally makes sense to climb on the table to get to the cat. What was I thinking?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This is a baby who is eating food

 Although dad has told me she's been ready for a cheeseburger for months now, Minerva just had her first solids on new year's day.  Looking back, she has been showing some intense interest in food.  She has been longingly following every bite we take.

So, we did it and it was a huge hit.  None of the wide eyed wonder that June had with her first bite; much more "maybe if I use both hands I can get this stuff into my mouth faster."

Christmas 2015

A very confused (but delicious) contribution to the Christmas dinner menu: bacon wrapped dates stuffed with goat cheese and rugelach.  Next year there will have to be latkes and ham as well.

Meyer lemon infused vodka for small gifts.  (Next year try lemon rosemary.) Grapefruit did not pan out.

Junebug opening her life size Tigger -  a (badly) converted Halloween costume.  The sewn up face is mildly horrifying, but June doesn't seem to mind.

Sure.  Seems like a totally reasonable place to sleep.

Merry Christmas from the great destroyer of trees.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016