Friday, August 9, 2013

Last of the catching up: in which Grandpa (really?) squishes a baby and makes her laugh, and Mikayla squishes a baby and makes her cry

Dad and the baby bounced around the room very happily, watching TV, checking out old posters, and critiquing Beatles albums.  Mikayla, sitting so adorably at the table, has not yet picked up the happy-baby-bouncing technique, but we'll work on her. 

And with that, we are finally posting in real time, baby.  (Or rather, here is another opportunity to fall behind for a few months.)

August 7, 2013

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! Thanks for posting. Fun to read and I can now capture more pictures to share with my friends and acquaintances who, for the most part, are politely tolerating my complete immersion into Ouma-hood. I have it on good authority that they all agreed to hold the eye rolling until my back is turned.... Who knew that one could get such pleasure from showing baby pictures!
