Saturday, August 3, 2013

Catching up II: In which Giant Baby makes her debut

And so, one week early, Giant Baby divested herself of the human host she had been employing: Juniper Frances, April 26, 2013, 9:30 am, at a whopping 9 lbs 15 oz and 21.25 inches. 

The first photo, immediately revealing the similarity of facial features between father and daughter.  Paternity, confirmed!

I really like that all hospital blankets look the same.  For some reason, I thoroughly enjoy watching tv and seeing a baby wrapped up in the identical blanket we were given; maybe it just lends credulity to whatever ridiculous situation wherein a three month old is playing the role of a newborn.  With that said, following the eventual appearance of our own giant baby, I have revised my opinion on the seemingly inappropriate size of tv babies.

My first visit to the baby, complete with too-big too-pink hat.  Now that I think of it, if this hat was too big on Giant Baby, it must have been made for a two year old.
Here, I need to be a jerk - okay fine, will continue to be a jerk - for a second.  I am deeply appreciative of the baby blanket and hat we were given at the hospital.  I am sure they offer a warm touch to families who are struggling with a difficult situation, and I plan on making some hats or blankets for them in the future; however, I take issue with the assumption that any colors other than cotton-candy pink or fluorescent orange will result in failure of the parents to claim their baby and increase the already too-heavy load on Social Services.  I tried to give the tangerine (not in a good way) blanket and muted neon pink hat back, but the hospital gently declined.  ("No dear, they are your problem now.")  Please, if you knit or crochet, consider donating to Project Linus, if for no other reason than to offer a baby an opportunity to not be dressed up as a beach-going geriatric mall-walker.  (I know.  It makes sense to me.  I can hear E now: "You and your terrible metaphors."  My response: "It's a simile.  If you're going to disparage me, at least get it right."  E: "It's still terrible.  Our poor Giant Baby, cursed with my nose and your terrible similes.")

Anyhow, on the first day of Giant Baby's life on the outside, she was given two hats. 

The subconjunctival hemorrhage was fun: one in both eyes contributed to the devil-baby effect she later cultivated with the development of the eyes-wide-open devil-baby scream.  I am only sad that she did not develop the devil-baby scream until after her eyes began healing; it would have been very intimidating otherwise.  Crazy bloody eyes or no, she was pretty cute, particularly with her new fancy hat.  Sadly, the hat covers her folded-over puppy dog ears,which while now generally upright are still somewhat perpendicular to her head.  Everyone needs a little character.

Lots of visitors over a few short days, including a brief photo session with dad (of course), then home.

I realized at some point that we didn't have a photo of the three of us yet, and asked the nurse to take one as we packed up to go home.  As it turns out, the frumpy exhausted look that I usually sport was not much enhanced by the arrival of Giant Baby.  At least she has a cute hat.

Then home!

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