The garlic scapes eventually made their way to garlic scape pesto. After a quick glance here for the recipe I found a reminder to myself to make roasted scape pesto, so tried that with a small portion of the scapes. I was worried it would taste like dried grass, but instead it's almost chocolatey. I think I still prefer the sharper taste of the raw pesto, but the roasted stuff (on the left below) is very good.

As instructed by various instructions written by garlic farmers, we continued to ignore our plants for the next month or so. We expected to harvest the garlic in August, but our plants started to die around May; the hardnecks were mostly dry by mid-June, and the softnecks gave up the ghost by early July. In accordance with the growers' directions, we pulled up the plants when they were mostly dead - still with a few green leaves left - and lo and behold, we had garlic bulbs! Really, this shouldn't be so amazing, but I am constantly impressed when things "work". Admittedly our garlic is very shrimpy, and we could have done much more with watering and weeding, but for next to no effort, we're definitely happy with what we got.
The garlic is curing away under our back porch. In another week (after about 3-4 weeks of drying total), we'll bring it in, clean it up, and store it in our makeshift root cellar.

I'm afraid I have mostly confused which bunch of garlic is which cultivar (I'm so embarrassed by this fact I can't begin to explain why I am revealing it), but I might be able to figure it out.... This is what I remember (so far):
- I harvested three rows on one day, then two rows on another.
- The first three rows harvested were two hardneck (Music and Fireball!) and one softneck (Inchelium Red!).
- The second two rows harvested were all softneck (German Red and Italian Purple!)
- The second row of hardneck had more purple in the bulb than the first (Fireball!).
- There are two bunches or more of each of the three cultivars harvested the first day.
- There is one bunch each of the two cultivars harvested the second day.
- The second batch of harvested garlic is hung under the porch farthest from the house.
Now to draw my little logic chart...
Clearly we need to repeat this experiment in order to clearly compare the different types of garlic. Unfortunately, like potatoes, garlic has to be on a three year rotation. Mumsy and Paw, we are coming for your space!
Next in this bed: bush beans.
Cute Hair! missing you...