Oh Lulu. She has lost her mind. I've heard it takes about 8 weeks for a new dog to settle in and start showing their true colors. And, indeed, that seems to be the case. Fun times ahead.
Example 1:

Yes, that would be a sweet potato. Why she feels the need to chew on a sweet potato, I don't know. If I am correct, that was plucked from a paper bag in the depths of the pantry. Other more enticing delicacies went unnoticed, but the sweet potato somehow just called to her.
Example 2:

And that, that would be an apple. That would be
my apple. I left it on the counter to pack for lunch, went upstairs for a minute, and coming back down to the living room found Ms. Lulu happily chomping away. She was most unhappy when I took it away from her.
I should point out, in my defense, that this is not exactly new behavior beginning after E left to work out of town (only 4 days ago). I do believe, in fact, that a week or two ago Lulu tried to burn the house down while investigating food on the stove. Luckily E has a good sense of smell and a willingness to investigate smells out of the ordinary.
Example 3:

Ah, and here we see the elusive mole rat dog in its native habitat. After a long and arduous migration from under the coffee table, the mole rat dog burrows between the sofa cushions for a lengthy rest. Only peripherally aware of her surroundings, the mole rat dog will remain hidden in the depths of the couch until lured out by a late-evening repast or until sat upon by a heavy squawking beast defending her right to the much-coveted couch.
I LOVE the sofa pictures. that's too funny. Esther and Asa do that to my bed... and come to think of it they steal food too... but not usually such healthy choices.