To finish the background, I should probably mention the cats. I brought along Purryface when I moved in. Pete, Fat Pete as she's more often called, belongs to Alexa, but was living with Deb since Lex went to law school. Then, after about a year we snatched little Pete up from Deb's (apparently she's not a dog-loving cat) and she and Purryface fell deeply in love. Or lust. Or something. Anyhow, they're very happy together. Or they were until we got Garden Cat about two months ago. We found Garden Cat at the community garden up the street (further explanation some other time). Although she was skinny and matted, we weren't convinced she was a stray until we one day found her eating a bird. That night around midnight we were walking home from dinner and offered her some cat food that she scarfed down so quickly I was a little worried she would get sick. We then ran home, grabbed the cat carrier and the car, and went back to pick her up. After a visit to the vet, she was introduced to Purryface and Fat Pete and they are all mostly happy these days. Below: Pface and Fat Pete on the left (here, Pete has just been treated to her stylish lion cut), and the bitey Garden Cat on the right.

Oh, right, and the house:
Oh, right, and the house:

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