Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A few chicken videos for your amusement

1. The helicopter noise. I love this sound. Princess makes it when she's fussy with us for changing the coop around. The other chickens kind of whine. Also, chickens eat anything (here, it's pine shavings). It's impressive.

2. Smacky-lips drinking.

Snow cat!

Pete sneaked out when E opened the door to say something to me.Pete looked around for a moment.
Pete did not like what she saw. Apparently warmth and dryness win over precious freedom.

Snow chickens!

Sadly it seems a lot of snow had been blowing into the coop. The chickens were not at all pleased about this, and were quite squawky when I took away the bucket they had been standing on. (On really cold days we take out a bucket full of hot water for a little extra heat. Otherwise they tend to just pile on top of each other - impressive when they're all sitting on the roost.) I added a bit more straw and E suggested some plastic over the window and door, so they should be nice and dry for now.

A pretty egg

Surprisingly the chickens (with the exception of the Chairman) have continued to lay through winter. Today's haul included a nice speckled one. Curious what causes the speckles - usually there are only a couple; the lovely egg below is unusual for our chickens.